Saturday, October 17, 2015

The three concepts in chapter 10 that really stood out to me were, "Adaptations For Classroom Learning With Technology", "Assisting Technology to Reach Diverse Learners", and "how does technology promote learning success for young writers?" 

Adaptations for classroom learning with technology contains multiple levels of accommodations for at risk, or diverse learners.These levels were low-tech, which consists of easy adaptations that don't take too much work or disrupt other learning situations, are inexpensive and do not require much technology. Mid-tech, involves an alternate curriculum, and includes digital materials to assist in message delivery. Lastly, high-tech  which uses specialized digital material in the classroom. Using these technologies in the classroom can help integrate diverse learners into a class with all students.

 Assisting technologies for classroom learning focuses on integrating tools into the every day curriculum that help to teach each type of student in a universal form. Elaborating on that, these tools can help students with disabilities to perform tasks that they other wise wouldn't be able to do. These are important tools because it allows schools to begin to integrate students with disabilities into the normal classroom and it helps them to develop the ability to coexist and learn with other students. This also helps other students to become comfortable and learn to coexist with students that do have disabilities.

How does technology promote learning success for young writers? The internet is such a vast tool with endless amounts of information and web tools. As a writer these tools allow you to brainstorm, to use online dictionaries, to get ideas, learn how to publish your writings, and to get feedback from other writers n how to improve writing of your own. Even tools we use in this class could help a writer. Blogs are a good place to start, they can be open to the public and are a great place to receive some constructive criticism, or even to see ideas from others. Another great tool that we use in class are brainstorming charts. Technology allows young writers to research and write in ways that they never could before.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Love your Bitstrips creation - very apropros to the content in this chapter! :) Don't forget to give attribution to yourself for the digital web 2.0 tool creations in the Resource section for all future posts (and any other digital writing). I also like your connection of blogging to teaching in the writing process - and to your own blog! :)
